Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy memorial day!

Happy Memorial Day!! There was a time, many years ago, I was in the military. I want to say thank you. Thank you to the men and women who served and made the ultimate sacrifice.
Unfortunately, we will not be celebrating. Boooo. Mr.D works night shift and is on tonight (holiday pay, yah baby). My older two are at their dad's for the weekend, so I figure I'll microwave some hot dogs and call it good.
Toddler D is being her usual self today.... naughty. I'm not kidding people, she is the epitome of terrible two's....And the absolute worst part? She absolutely can not be reasoned with. For instance, she is on a "I have to drink some soda or I might die" kick. Now, stay with me here, she is two. No, we never intended for her to become a soda addict, it happened quite accidentally:
Mr.D had his cup on the table, walked away, toddler D came along and took a swig, the rest is history. I'm actually just thankful it wasn't whiskey or tequila. Anyway, back to the monster. Our morning conversation:
Me: Good morning baby, would you like some eggs or pancakes?
Toddler D: no, soda
Me: You can't drink soda, how about some juice or chocolate mi....
Toddler D: NO, SODA
me: (getting a little irritated now) no, you cannot have soda. Do you want breakfast or not?
And......let the falling to the floor and banshee screaming commence.

I hadn't even had my coffee.

I did end up boiling an egg and gave it to her with a banana which she mutilated and ground into the carpet while I was peacefully drinking my, by that time almost cold,  coffee.

I love her, I really do. But, sometimes I don't like her.

Happy memorial day! Have a drink for me. I'll be here, counting my new gray hairs.

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